The Techno Hippy Manifesto

Why Techno Hippy?

5 reasons:

. to explore ways to bring people together using modern networks & technologies

: to examine our relationship with the natural world, our cities, our neighbourhoods

to understand our inner selves, navigate the realms of conscious & unconscious thought patterns, delve into the wellspring of the I

:: Be playful, creative, artistic - be as children, filled with wonder at the world 

¦⋮ Oppose injustice & inequality; demonstrate a better way of being in the world through togetherness & sharing

The aim is to reinvigorate the aims of the original Hippy movement in the 60s & 70s in a modern context.

Social Gaming Evolution is where I think this can best be achieved.  It's also a lifelong dream to design & create computer games!  Yeah, I'm an almost 40 year old nerd with a beard, but I have a dream, Dammit!


I am Electro

My game is hipper than yours

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