Thursday, 16 January 2014

The brothers

I keep meaning to plug "2 brothers", a really sweet and innovative indie game from Denmark (I think!)

It's mythological,y influenced story features two young boys who've lost a mum and fear losing their dad to sickness. They go looking for a cure and along the way have to outwit trolls, ride goats and solve puzzles. The great twist is that the brothers must cooperate in this platform environment, and each brother must be controlled by a user, making it a truly collaborative game.

Whilst mostly free of overt violence it did have some grizzly scenes, however these reflected its Norse storytelling origins. It also had sympathetic female characters who actually had personality and intelligence! Just a shame they didn't allow for two sisters too.

Highly recommended with beautiful scenery, jaw dropping set pieces and some genuinely tense, sad and scary moments.

1 comment:

  1. And yeah' it was awesome to play with my friend and occasional lover Martine Votvik, we learnt a lot about how to collaborate peacefully with this game.
